Cold open | 0:00
Episode summary | 1:27
EPA PFAS MCL & MCLG announcement | 2:08
Cybersecurity memorandum | 5:19
Update on Build America, Buy America | 5:57
Impact of BABA delays on business | 8:32
EPA announcement of CWSRF funding | 9:27
Interview begins | 10:30
Michaela Rempkowski career path | 11:10
Naomi Jones career path | 12:15
McCarthy’s all-women design integration team | 13:20
What working with an all-women team is like | 15:17
The role of mentorship | 17:39
Michaela’s advice for young women professionals | 20:01
Naomi’s advice for young women professionals | 20:55
What it means to be a woman in the water industry | 22:30
StormCon Discount:
Talking Under Water listeners have access to a special discount code to register for this year's StormCon. When registering, use the code ONEWATER10 to receive a 10% discount on your conference registration. Visit bit.ly/stormconreg2023 to register and use the code.
About the Podcast
Talking Under Water is the premier podcast for the water industry, including municipal and industrial water and wastewater, residential water treatment, storm water management and erosion control. It is produced in coordination between Water & Wastes Digest (WWD), Water Quality Products (WQP) and Storm Water Solutions (SWS). The podcast covers topics under the One Water movement including the municipal and industrial water and wastewater, point of use, point of entry, residential, storm water and erosion control markets. Talking Under Water highlights news, trends, new technologies, industry discussions and on-site interviews with experts for WWD, WQP and SWS. New episodes of the podcast are released on the third Friday of every month. Logo Images: Anatoly Tiplyashin / Romolo Tavani / stock.adobe.com.
Contact the Talking Under Water podcast editors by emailing talkingunderwater@sgcmail.com or engaging with them on Twitter @TUWpodcast. Join the conversation by commenting or using the hashtag #talkingunderwaterpod on social media.