Friday Apr 15, 2022
Episode 51: Diving into Regulations
In this month’s episode of Talking Under Water, hosts Katie Johns and Bob Crossen talk about a new documentary, “FLINT,” that will be released on Friday, April 29. Additionally, they discuss an EPA memo regarding accelerating nutrient pollution reductions.
Finally, the interview this month is with Maria Lehman, president-elect of the American Society of Civil Engineers and director of US Infrastructure for GHD. Johns talked with Maria about regulations, including the Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act, PFAS, lead service line replacement and more.
Show Notes:
EPA Announces Strategy to Protect Water Quality by Accelerating Nutrient Pollution Reductions
Talking Under Water Episode 34: Women in Water, including an interview with Maria Lehman
Cold open | 0:00
Host introduction | 0:57
Episode summary | 1:09
FLINT documentary analysis | 1:42
EPA Nutrient Pollution Reduction Memo | 5:35
Interview with Maria Lehman begins | 7:28
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law impacts on the water industry | 7:57
How the ASCE Report Card influences the infrastructure bill | 9:05
Next steps for utilities, engineers, etc. for BIL funding | 11:14
Lead service line replacements | 13:44
Obstacles the water industry must overcome despite the funding | 17:40
How to advance water equity | 19:50
PFAS in water and wastewater | 20:55
Sustainability and technology advancements | 23:31
Recruitment, retention and the future of the water workforce | 27:09
Final thoughts | 30:26
Housekeeping | 31:43
About the Podcast
Talking Under Water is the premier podcast for the water industry, including municipal and industrial water and wastewater, residential water treatment, storm water management and erosion control. It is produced in coordination between Water & Wastes Digest (WWD), Water Quality Products (WQP) and Storm Water Solutions (SWS). The podcast covers topics under the One Water movement including the municipal and industrial water and wastewater, point of use, point of entry, residential, storm water and erosion control markets. Talking Under Water highlights news, trends, new technologies, industry discussions and on-site interviews with experts for WWD, WQP and SWS. New episodes of the podcast are released on the third Friday of every month. Logo Images: Anatoly Tiplyashin / Romolo Tavani / stock.adobe.com.
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